2005-08-19: LTool-0.3 is out! Lazy Tool 0.3 is feturing: LtMacroEdit; A new MacroEditor replacing the old LtMacroGen. ATITDmine; a Mining plugin, to aid Mining in the game ATITD. Ltxtew; a simple xte wrapper (xte follows the xautomation package.) And a few example macros. 2005-03-25: LTool Website comes online! Finaly, LTool have a Lazy Website :) 2005-03-22: LTool-0.2 is Out! First release feturing: LtMacro; Plugin to LTool for running and stoping macros in a Lazy way. LtMacroGen; Macro editor with some "Wizards" to make it even more fast and Lazy to create Macros. LtMacroAPI; by Mike Grant aka. FaceAnkh. Without this creating macros would not be Lazy at all! 2005-01-03: LTool-0.1 released. To remember when first release was :) |